About Real Funder

The Company
Real Funder digital platform bridges the gap between investors and real estate owners. It allows conducting pre-purchase assessments and market research on properties to determine risks and return on investment (ROI) before any money is invested. Real Funder provides a wide range of educational materials, helps to develop a relationship with realtors and other key professionals.
Based on the idea of property crowdfunding, we try to make the investment opportunities available for everyone by reaching out to a pool of investors to contribute a small amount of money towards a project. It is possible due to the low investment threshold that Real Funder offers.

Customer Problem
The world of investing is a complex space that has remained challenging since its inception. A lot of people face various challenges while making their investment decisions, such as limited exposure to the market, lack of in-depth market knowledge, specific education, and practical experience.
Real Funder believes that investing in the real estate industry is the safest, easiest, maybe not the most profitable, but most preferable among investors. In this regard, the primary concern of the people, at first sight, is how to invest in countries like Canada, where the real estate market is safe and stable, but the capital investment is too high. On the other hand, landlords and owners are also struggling in selling their businesses and find it difficult to spot the right customer and most efficient sales channel.